My second trip to Jordan (en route to Syria) included my second trip to the Dead Sea, this time for a swim...or a float as it were. I had been warned: don't shave your legs before going in, keep your eyes well clear of the water, rinse off immediately to avoid an itchy few hours. The salt content is nothing to mess with.
The water is so salty that some cite the salination of the Dead Sea to explain how Jesus walked on water. I'm not sure if Jesus walked on water or no (the fact is rather irrelevant in the formation of my religious beliefs) but what I do know is that if he did, the Dead Sea's role in the whole event makes it more plausible.

Remember laying in the pool face up with your father's hand under your back? Relax, keep your body straight, float. None of this technical direction needed here. The salt acts as your water wings. Your bum feels as though there is a partially inflated innertube supporting it. Push down and you quickly pop back up. Hands in the air, feet in the air, doesn't matter. You are floating. No need to tread water. No need to doggie paddle. No need to worry...unless the salt gets in your eye or mouth. Just one drop will burn the taste buds off the tip of your tongue.
1 comment:
JC didn't walk ON the water - but he did walk OVER it. They reckon they've managed to prove the existance of an old wooden jetty/pier at the spot where he performed this alleged miracle. He simply walked on the jetty and hopped into the boat with the 12 apostles. As for the calming of the water? Well, that's explained too. Not far from the jetty was a small bay, which even today, provides protection from the strong winds on the Dead Sea.
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